Disciples Making Disciples Level I


Disciples of Jesus obey the commands of Jesus. This freeĀ  course will help you to learn to share the Gospel of Jesus; disciple new believers while training them to disciple others; plant multiplying churches; become a church planting movement leader and coach other movement leaders.Ā According to research conducted by LifeWay and Exponential, only about 7% of the churches in America are "embracing a paradigm of multiplication through disciple making leading to church planting." This is an improvement over the 4% mark that was previously indicated. However, we need to get to 16% to reach a tipping point.

Ready to take your church multiplication efforts to the next level? Sign up for our free online course and learn the best practices for multiplying churches in your community. With our comprehensive curriculum, you'll gain the knowledge and tools you need to make a lasting impact. Sign up now and start multiplying your church today!

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Course Outline:


Lesson 1: My Story 

Lesson 2: God's Story

Lesson 3: Assurance of Salvation & God Our Heavenly Father

Lesson 4: Victorious Christian Living

Lesson 5: Living a Life of Prayer & Devotion

Lesson 6 Personal Bible Study

Lesson 9: End Vision

Lesson 10: Four Fields of Church Planting

Lesson 11: Entry & Evangelism Plan

Lesson 13: Planting & Reproducing Churches

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