Join Us for a Two-Day Leadership Development Intensive Like No Other discipleship leadership leadership development May 07, 2024

Lead Like Jesus Leadership Encounter

September 12-13, 2024

Marion Baptist Association Missionary Resource Center

Align your Heart, Head, Hands & Habits with the transformative leadership model of Jesus, the greatest Leader of all time

Lead Like Jesus Leadership Encounter is a...

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Reaching People Who Live in Apartment Communities apartment ministry church planting discipleship evangelism multi-housing Aug 22, 2023

As Marion County continues to grow in population, the demand for housing is increasing as well. We are seeing historic increases in both single-family and multi-family development. However, the Florida Apartment Association estimates that there is currently a shortage of 3,391 apartments in the...

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What is the Golden Rule of Evangelism? discipleship evangelism Jun 06, 2023

The "Golden Rule of Evangelism" is the "Golden Rule," Jesus said, "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them" (Matthew 7:12). The Golden Rule always works. If you were lost in your sin, how would you want someone who loves and cares about you to share the Gospel of...

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Become a Multiplying Church Leader church planting church planting movements disciple discipleship May 31, 2023

Here is the recording of my interview with Dr. David Nelms, Founder and President of The Timothy Initiative.  In this video, we talk about the need for Micro Churches to reach people who are currently being missed by Legacy Churches.  We are offering free TTI training through our...

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What is Obedience-Based Discipleship? church multiplication church planting movements discipleship May 16, 2023

Church Planting Movements (CPMs) are movements of God where churches multiply rapidly - reaching to four generations in less than two years. Reports are coming in from all over the world where Christian churches are seeing rapid multiplication.  Multiplication of churches stems from the...

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Video Replay: State of Theology Survey Review and Implications church health discipleship theology Dec 01, 2022

Update: Watch all four videos and access the survey results at


Every two years Life Way Research and Ligonier Ministries partner together to take the theological pulse of Americans. The latest findings have been published at

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Being the Church in the Digital Age discipleship evangelism marketing outreach Apr 28, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic expedited digital transitions around the world by about 10 years.  Churches and organizations of all sizes have learned new ways to connect and communicate with people remotely. At our April, 2022 lunch and learn, we discussed best...

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Why Church Multiplication is Important church growth church health church multiplication discipleship Feb 22, 2022

What would your church look like if every follower of Jesus was involved in making disciples who made disciples? Can you imagine a day when all of the leaders in your church actively enlisted and developed new leaders? What if your church had so many leaders that you had to send some of them out...

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Bless Every Home with Chris Cooper discipleship evangelism outreach Nov 10, 2021

We had such a great time fellowshipping with each other and learning together at our November, 2021 Lunch and Learn at the MBA Missionary Resource Center. We've had several requests for the video of Chris Cooper's, (founder of training that we are sharing it here. If you would...

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One on One Discipleship disciple discipleship ocala Sep 22, 2021

Pastor Kenny Rodrigue at Woodside Baptist Church in Ocala sent me his one-on-one discipleship guide that he has just started using in his church.  In his email, Pastor Kenny said:

The purpose of this document is to give a concise description of Biblical Christianity, where one person can use...

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